Health Update: Serious Wait and See

I saw my new cardiologist yesterday. Nothing has really changed. I still have a moderate leaky valve. I still have an aneurysm. I still have a blocked artery.

But none of them are actively causing me pain or difficulty. None of them are acute or active. They’re just there. And they’re not quite bad enough for surgery.

So for the moment, I’m off the hook. They’ll monitor. I shouldn’t lift anything heavy or strain, or lean over very much. That’s a very moderate group of limits, considering. I’m afraid I can’t help anyone move at this time.

Is it coming someday? Inevitably, I suppose. But not today. Today we make quilts!

And a Dutch baby for breakfast.

Thank you for your care, your prayers, your concern and your love. You’ve always held me up. I hope I can always do that for you in return.

4 thoughts on “Health Update: Serious Wait and See

  1. Was happy to hear this. Glad you found a new Dr. My husband and I both have the same Cardiologist. He has had one aneuryism repaired and another being watched. I have a leaky valve and it is being watched. We see the Dr about every 3 months – sooner if we have problems but we are fine with it. As for helping someone move – we quit that years ago. He is at golf course (can’t do 18 any more) daily and I quilt. Life is good. Pray you will be like us. I enjoy your work.


      1. I agree 100% on the something never to happen. I enjoy your daily posts. You find some fantastic photography on the net – I share a lot of it and my friends also enjoy it. I am in awe of your work. Keep it up.
        Mary Carter


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